Grace, Mercy, and Peace to you from God the Father and
Christ Jesus our Lord,
epiphany season gives us a chance to explore some of the times God revealed
himself to his people in Bible times. Back in the days of the Old Testament, God
appeared to Moses in a burning bush and identified himself as the great “I Am”.
He appeared to Moses again when he received the 10 commandments and to Elijah
on Mt. Horeb when the prophet was feeling down at heart. These were big
moments, both for the people involved and for the story of salvation.
transfiguration was also a big moment and a bigger one was
about to take place. Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem, where he would
surrender his life on a cross to pay for all our sins and build a bridge
between mankind and God. He wanted to give everyone a chance for a rich,
meaningful life that would last forever through faith in him. His trip to
Jerusalem would have a glorious outcome, for he would rise from the grave there
and ascend to heaven, but first he would pass through some dreadful days, and
so he withdrew to a mountain with his “A” team disciples, Peter, John, and
James, to spend time with his Heavenly Father in prayer.
away from the text for a moment, we realize that we have big moments, too,
birth, baptism, marriage, and the hour that our souls pass from this life to
eternity. Other big moments are less obvious, such as when we choose our heroes
or when we decide whether life presents us with a lot of closed doors or if it
has a plenty of opportunity for us. Jesus’ transfiguration teaches us a lesson.
We do not face our big moments on our own. Our Heavenly Father carries us
through them. We trust, because of Jesus, that our big moments will turn out
well for us, even the ones that come at us with a pretty dreadful appearance.
Heavenly Father acted promptly to comfort and encourage his Son. He transformed
his physical appearance as a reminder of the divine glory that Jesus set aside
when he took on human flesh and that he would reclaim when he finished his
mission on earth. The Heavenly Father sent him two companions: Moses and
Elijah, whose features he also transformed. He chose these two because Moses
received God’s law and Elijah was the chief of prophets, who held a small
number of people together during a faithless time. These great men showed Jesus
a lot of respect by being with him just before his journey to the cross; their
presence highlighted that he is the fulfillment of both the law and the
prophets and that he surpassed them. He would walk along a path that was
especially his; his work would turn out well. His death would work like a seed
that produced an enormous harvest.
Heavenly Father lifts us up, too, as we deal with our big moments. His
companionship comforts us. He promises that our sacrifices will produce
results. Bad times give way to good days. We sow in tears and reap in joy – one
of life’s basic truths, up and down, bad and good. A let-down follows a big
moment, then comes deeper understanding, more wisdom. Though he often insists
that we wait, the blessed Lord makes sure that everything works out well for
his beloved children.
Heavenly Father did something else for his son; he spoke directly. “This is my
Son, whom I love; I am well pleased with him.” The Father used the same words
at Jesus baptism. He claimed his son and reassured him that he wouldn’t let him
go. He would guide and sustain him during the coming ordeal. The Heavenly Father’s’s
infinite power and love, his wisdom and glory were all focused on Jesus as he
directed his thoughts and his will toward the coming crisis in Jerusalem. The Father
would uplift his Son; the Savior would make no bad choices during days that
would be very stressful; he would take no false steps; he would carry out his
Father’s plan without a hitch. And then he would return to glory. Moreover, the
change in his appearance was a foretaste of the glorious transformation that
would take place after he came back from the grave.
Transfiguration was also a big moment for the three disciples with him. They
had seen Jesus’ miracles and heard his preaching and teaching; they had
confessed their faith in him and knew that he must die in Jerusalem at the
hands of the authorities and be raised again on the third day. Now the cloud,
the radiance that shone from their master, the presence of Moses and Elijah and
the voice of the Father confirmed for them that God had been working in Jesus
and that he was God himself. They had put their trust in the right place. They
were present at a revelation of his divine nature that amazed them at first and
frightened them but that also worked to strengthen them.
received a specific command from the Heavenly Father – to listen to Jesus, his
chosen one. The world floods us with an abundance of temptations. Thoughts
stray easily; wills weaken; hearts drift. If they wanted to worship God
faithfully and in truth, they would listen to Jesus. They would learn the
meaning of his death and resurrection in Jerusalem. The hidden God is revealed
in Jesus; the light of the gospels shines through him. They should look only to
unexpected physical change in the Lord overpowered them. Peter acted in haste. He
wanted to make the big moment last longer and offered to build three protective
shelters in hopes of persuading Moses and Elijah to stay with them. But since
the world is full of change, impermanence, and sin, revelations of heavenly
glory don’t last long. Peter and the others would have to wait for the sinless
world that is coming and be happy for now with the promises the Heavenly Father
made them in Christ. His word was enough to bring them to salvation and keep
them there.
sound of the Heavenly Father’s voice scared the disciples; they fell face down
on the ground. You and I would have done the same. Moses once wrote that no one
can see God and live. The sight of the living God in his power overwhelmed the
A-team. Jesus went to them. He touched them and told them not to be frightened,
just the way a parent comforts a child after something frightening and
mysterious happens. The Savior cleared a path between mankind and the Almighty
God so that anyone may approach him confidently and boldly. When they saw the
glory of God in the face of Christ, the three disciples saw a very human face. The
light of heaven that unbelievers don’t see reassured them. The light that shone
from the savior was a preview of the resurrection. It promised that a day of
transfiguration would also come for them, when they would reign in heaven
alongside the Lord. Meanwhile, God brought them into his inner circle. He
caused the light of the gospel to shine in them. He assured them that the
turbulent days ahead would turn out well, that no permanent evil would ever
befall them. He makes the same promise to all his people, that everything that
happens in our lives will work out for our good and the glory of God.
the transfiguration is a big moment for us, too, if we pay attention to it. Jesus
looked ahead to sacrifice and suffering in Jerusalem. The Christian life ever since then has
involved sacrifice and even, from time to time, suffering. Materialism has
captured the souls of many people. Christians sacrifice the fulfilment of many
earthly cravings so as to live righteously in the light from heaven. We
sometimes give up popularity and esteem because Jesus is more important to us
than keeping up with worldly trends. We don’t join in with folks who devote
their lives to temporary satisfactions. Like our savior, we put the best
interests of others on a par with our own. We help our brothers and sisters in
Christ bear their burdens. We don’t rise above ourselves to claim authority
that the Lord hasn’t given us. We wait for him to reveal his will.
frail mortals, it’s true. The false gods of the age tempt us, the blows of life
weary us. We sometimes look for easy ways, and on down days we may consider
giving up on something we’ve worked on for a long time, even though we know
it’s God’s wish that we keep on going. But the blood that Christ shed on
Calvary washes us clean and gives us strength. The blessed Lord had stronger
reasons to quit than we do, but he didn’t lay down his burden. He persisted. Needing
strength, he brought his cares to the Heavenly Father in prayer. The Father
revived him and prepared his spirit for the tough days ahead. He offers the
same comfort and strength to us in our daily prayers and whenever we worship or
read the Bible. In bad moments, when it may seem that nothing goes right, we
remember that the Lord has claimed us in our baptisms and that he will not let
us go. The Father who lifted up Jesus also upholds his adopted daughters and
sons. As Paul once wrote, there is no veil between us and God. The heavenly
light that never goes out shines clearly for you and me.
Transfiguration is a big moment for us because it reveals our destiny. The Lord
knows that sacrifice and suffering touch our lives. Things happen to us that we
don’t like. Opportunities to relax and enjoy life never stay around very long. Peter
wrote: “...for a little while you may have to suffer grief in all kinds of
trials. These have come so that your faith – of greater worth than gold, which
persists even though refined by fire – may be proved genuine and may result in
praise, glory, and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.” Suffering and
sacrifice refine us and purify our faith so that we may be fit to meet the Lord
when he comes back to claim us for glory. So hold on, dear friends, abide in
faith. A day is coming when the circumstance of life will change completely and
we, too, will be transfigured.
Lord shows us, meanwhile, how to cope with our big moments. We don’t give way
to weaknesses. Like Jesus, we lean on our Heavenly Father, who strengthens us to carry on,
even though we must sometimes walk along paths that are strewn with difficulties.
His light shines in our hearts. His love for us gives us confidence. He will
hold us steady and will not let go. He will shape us and refine us. We ask him
to keep our faith strong until we reach the fullness of the new life to come. In
His name we rejoice. AMEN
peace of God that passes all understanding keep your hearts and minds in the
knowledge of...
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