Grace and peace to you from Him who is and who was and
who is to come,
who lived in Jesus’ time were just as fascinated by the days’ news as many of
us are today, and it always seems to be the bad news that holds our attention. Wars,
natural disasters, government scandals, and the misbehavior of well-known
people often get us thinking. We want to know what the big events of the day
mean for us. Sometimes it’s easy to find a meaning. A flood or a big snowstorm
may touch the life of a friend or a relative or we may know a politician who is
often in the news or we may have a friend or relative serving in the armed
forces. Or it may be you have an active, curious brain and like to stay
informed. Sometimes, on the other hand, we may want to get away from the news –
which means different things for us at different times.
morning’s gospel gives us a lesson in how to interpret the news from a
Christian point of view. Current events convince us that the world and we ourselves
need to repent and take hold of Christ in faith. Some people wanted Jesus to
interpret reports that Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea, had murdered a
group of Galileans who were offering sacrifices in the temple. They might have
been members of a bothersome national faction that the government was worried
about. It was a terrible thing for Pilate to do, in any case, and deeply
offensive to the Jews, who never let outsiders into the sacred parts of the
temple. Then, too, eighteen people died when a tower collapsed. Folks in those
days believed that if really bad things happened to you, you and your neighbors
could be sure that God was angry and was punishing you for some secret sin. Job’s
friends had the same idea, you remember. They believed that Job suffered
because God’s wrath was upon him.
truth is actually much different. It doesn’t happen very often that we can see
God’s hand clearly in a sequence of events that we hear about in the news. The
Almighty works in mysterious ways that are usually beyond the power of human
minds to interpret correctly. Here’s a case to think about. A group of nuns
working in a South American jungle prayed for years that the Lord would send
them a jeep. But instead of a jeep, a terrible war came that lasted for months
and months. Many people were killed. The nuns didn’t understand why God hadn’t
sent them a vehicle. When peace came back and the sisters could finally leave
their convent, one of them went out for a walk and when she reached the end of
a path – what do you suppose? She found a jeep with the keys in the ignition.
Jesus said that wars and famine, earthquakes and unexpected catastrophes will
be part of the news until he returns. The significance of particular events is
usually hidden away in his mind and his will. The folks who went to Jesus with
their observations about current events were too quick to form opinions about
the sinfulness of others. Their biases didn’t help them understand what the
news meant for them. They needed a deeper understanding.
that happen to other people, Jesus told them, such as storms and floods and
civil unrest, shouldn’t bring on bursts of self-satisfaction and
finger-pointing. It’s easy for folks who live in favored places like Canada to
become complacent, smug, settled into a comfortable routine and there’s always
the temptation to be callous or indifferent to the troubles of others. We don’t
please God if we allow ourselves to fall into these ways of thinking. A wiser,
more Christian response to news about others’ difficulties is to see a warning
in them – a wake-up call. All are sinners. Everyone needs to turn to God. Those
who don’t will face a greater calamity than physical hardship. Paul wrote in a
different connection: “Let anyone who thinks that he stands firm take heed lest
he fall.” We comfortable North Americans are always in danger of spiritual
sloth. It’s easy to live for pleasures and forget that life is uncertain and
fragile and to ignore reminders that everyone needs to examine him- or herself
in the light of God’s Word.
this morning’s Gospel doesn’t stop there. Jesus tells a parable to show God’s
way of looking on the events of the day. The vineyard he referred to is Israel;
the fig tree is Jerusalem, which was the most important city. The whole nation
had been corrupt, barren, fruitless. The people shouldn’t become obsessed with
two incidents only: they should strive for a wider understanding – that the
whole society was worthy of receiving God’s wrath. Only Christ’s death for
their sins would rescue them from condemnation. They needed to turn to God and
seek his will while they had the chance. Otherwise, they’d miss out on
told them what the Heavenly Father wanted – spiritual fruitfulness that was the
opposite of smugness and self-satisfaction. Jesus makes fruitfulness possible. It
begins with sorrow for our sins and the grateful acceptance of Jesus’
friendship and the blessings he won for us when he shed his blood and then
produces qualities such as the ones Paul mentions in Galatians – love, joy,
peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and
self-control. The Holy Spirit uses our repentant joy to bring fruitfulness out
of barren soil.
make productive contributions wherever we go – to the life of our families, at
our tasks, and in our communities – and in a Christian way because God’s Spirit
works in us and empowers us to stick with him. We read our Bibles, say our
prayers, come to worship. The Lord uses us. It is He who makes us fruitful.
aren’t perfect, of course, and our failings concern us, but they don’t break
our spirits, for our Savior who pardons us and calls us to repent and think
again believes in us and prevents us from being overcome with worry about our
transgressions. We rest in the trust he places in us and are confident of our
fruitfulness. Jesus is like the vine-keeper in the parable who asked the owners
of the vineyard to spare the fig tree. He intercedes with the Father on our
behalf. He wants us to be fruitful and trusts that we’ll respond to the
opportunities he gives us with an abundance of fruitfulness.
the news may alarm us at times, Jesus teaches us to trust that God is active
and in control. He is patient and slow to condemn; he works in mysterious ways
by his own timetable. He doesn’t make mistakes. Instead of cutting off sinful
humanity, he invites us to stand in faith at the foot of the Cross, when we
receive pardon and renewed strength. Because of the Cross, there is no barrier
between us and our Creator who will persist in making us fruitful.
days and the experience of suffering in our own lives don’t mean that we’re
unfruitful. In fact, tough times bring a fruitfulness of their own in that they
make us patient and faithful and teach us the art of compassion. The Heavenly
Father doesn’t promise to spare us from tribulation. We expect rocky times, in
fact, because Christians share in the suffering of our Savior. He does promise
though, that he will use miserable hours for our good. Peter wrote that
sufferings refine our faith the way fire refines gold. God thinks differently
from the way we do: he uses tribulations as the soil out of which sturdy
blossoms grow.
on earth will always be a mixture of good and bad. The devil tries to use our
troubles to break us, while the Savior helps us to endure them and to see them
clearly. Misfortunes humble us and teach us to call on the Lord for help. Difficulties
give us the chance to imitate Jesus’ meekness and patience, to look beyond
rough days to the brightest of all times that wait for us in heaven. Jesus
shows us how to find uses for the rough waters we pass through which we don’t
see as punishments from God – though they can be for people who don’t believe
in him – but as inducements to draw closer to our Lord, who experienced
miseries himself and used them to bring good to all people.
is full of strange events that get us asking questions. Are people who suffer
from wars and natural disasters worse sinners than other folks? All sin and fall short of the glory of God. Jesus
uses the news of the day to create fruits of repentance in our hearts. As we
are sorry for our sins, we rediscover that God is forgiving, patient, and
steadfast. He won’t give up on us. He will persist on our behalf. We trust that
he’ll keep working on us and that the fruits of faith – joyfulness, kindliness,
peace, gentleness, and so on will about in our lives. In Jesus name, we give
thanks. AMEN.
peace of God that passes all understanding keep your hearts and minds in the
knowledge of Christ Jesus. AMEN.